Wow - you started my day in a whole new headspace 🔥🔥🔥 The next person who the universe wrote in the stars for you is going to understand love. Amazing 🔥

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The energy comes to me as a tangible sense. SO true!!! I love the constant slow connection that breeds this deep, bodily knowing.

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Beautiful brother.

"I love the way you didn't let the world rob you of your kindness..."

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I felt this so deeply.

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Simply beautiful. The words… I felt 💛💛

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Smooth. Succulent. Sensual and summarised, effortlessly, my Friend.


There are levels of friendships.

We all know that!

This level, this very level.

Hits cloud 9

Sends Cupid's arrows by the thousands, straight...

Melts any Glacier.


This! These words. The depth.

Grows a garden of Lavender, that produces such a river, you certainly don't have to "Go chasing waterfalls"


All you have to do is "...Listen to the rivers and lakes that you're used..."

We are all learning.

And if you didn't know. You know now!

I Just Love this.

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